GSI pre-award intake form
GSI will be marked as the strategic initiative in the ERA proposal record, which does not affect the submission. This strategic initiative marking in ERA simply shows on ASU high-level reports that GSI was involved in the submission.
Red dot indicates required field.
Submission type
Full proposal
Submission title
Please type “tbd” if the title is not yet known.
(AFRL) Air Force Research Laboratory
(ARO) Army Research Office
(DARPA) Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
(DHS) Department of Homeland Security
(DOD) Department of Defense
(DOE) Department of Energy
(DOS) Department of State
(IARPA) Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity
(ONR) Office of Naval Research
Other sponsor
Sponsor program name
Budget target
Project duration
Please specify as months or years
Sponsor program due date
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Will GSI be the lead financial unit?
Lead financial unit means who will manage the project if the sponsor awards your proposal (aka, post-award administration)
ASU lead financial unit
Principal Investigator (PI) name
PI home unit
Co-PI name
Click the plus-symbol to add additional ASU Co-PIs. Subcontractors/non-ASU key personnel can be added below.
Co-PI home unit
Click the plus-symbol to add additional ASU Co-PI home units.
Who is the prime/lead organization?
Does this funding opportunity make reference to Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI)?
Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) is unclassified information the United States Government creates or possesses that requires safeguarding or dissemination controls limiting its distribution. It is unclassified, but requires control to prevent release of information that, if publicly associated with defense missions or aggregated with other sources of information, often will reveal exploitable information to adversaries or violate statutory requirements. If you are unsure if your funding opportunity refers to CUI, you can search the document for ‘Controlled Unclassified Information.’
Hover over ‘Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI)’ for more information on CUI.
Name of person submitting this form
E-mail of person submitting this form
Any additional notes?
Additional resources
Global Security Initiative (GSI) website
Find your Research Advancement Administrator (RA)
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